Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pumpkin Britches (PB) gained weight beautifully! She has also overcame her cold. <and passed it on to me.> 
Thanks for the prayers. Now if I can just make it through my presentation tomorrow ... it will be road trip time! 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pumpkin Britches

Pumpkin Britches (PB) is growing. She can now crawl. PB says MaMa and DaDa. She loves sweet potatoes and applesauce. PB is taking a swim class with me and loves to kick her feet. She is also not crying anymore when we dump water on her head during bath time... YAY swim class and the tug boat that dumps water on everyone's head! 

The Johnson household is grateful for that little tug boat.

Unfortunately it is not all fun at the Johnson residence. These past few days have been taxing to say the least. But still we praise his name for every moment we spend as a family. 

The Johnson household is so grateful for each other. 

We went to the doctor a few days ago because she was super fussy and running a temp. She has LOST weight. :(  At nearly 8 months old she weighs only 14 lbs and 3 ounces. The doctor's first suggestion was to add formula to her diet following each nursing. We tried to supplement with formula... only to discover that at this time (by the grace and mercy of our Heavenly Father it will pass and she will be healed) she is allergic to milk products. We think it is the casein becuase even the hypersensitive version makes her have a reaction. So I am struggling to figure out how to get her pack on the pounds. Idea 1: increase my milk supply, nurse more often. Well I have choked down a "healthy heart" portion of oatmeal every morning since the doctor's visit. I am also back on fenugreek. She has no problem with nursing more frequently.... but I do feel a little overwhelmed nursing ALL the time again. Idea 2:Increase solids. Sadly.... she is now on a slight solids strike (she'll eat two to three bites of those yummy sweet potatoes or apples and seal those lips like they are fort KNOX! :/ ) 

So we need prayers.And now (as I type this and reread and type some more) I'm not sure why Idea 1 wasn't PRAY. *duh me* The Holy Spirit keeps bringing to my mind the story in the old testament where Daniel refused to eat the king's meat and was the healthiest of them all. I'm not quite sure how that applies just yet... but I'm praying for PB to grow like Daniel. Please pray with me. Our weight check is Wednesday afternoon. 

The Johnson household is so VERY grateful for you prayers.

We are supremely grateful for a Father who heals and provides for each of us.